Jazztel - Measuring TV Conversions
Advertising Agency
Barcelona, Spain
Agency / Creative


We wanted to assess the effect our TV ads had on direct response (call center) and quantify the decisions and circumstances around the media so we could make changes and take short-term decisions that could generate better campaign and business results for Jazztel.


Jazztel is a pure direct response advertiser whose main objective is customer acquisition, but it competes in a saturated market where being relevant is not easy. The Telco sector is crowed, every brand has a different message, with high frequency rates, formats, and use a diversity of channels.  All this affects Jazztel market share.

But since Jazztel does not have physical stores, the brand needs to devote all its efforts to web and call center for sales. No surprise then that advertising is fundamental, especially on TV. Calls to the call center are come in as a direct result of TV advertising. And if the results satisfying, we need to modify how we plan our media.

In a world where tv, data and call centers are intertwined, it is increasingly difficult to understand what performs better in our business and in the category and so, sophisticated measurement systems are required to help us increase efficiency and responsiveness, particularly to improve the ration of "call received per € invested".

Therefore, we decided to develop a bespoke algorithm that would help us achieve conversion more efficiently and allow us to optimize our media activity.

Idea & Strategy

Our idea was to create a unique solution created especially for our client, entirely bespoke.  An algorithm that would analyze messages, advert duration, slots, price offers. This would allow us to measure the conversion effectiveness of our TV ads to turn viewers into customers.

The Algorithm was designed to measure the number of calls to our call center (and/or to our web) per GRP invested, allowing us to optimize our communication toward a conversion.

Collaboration with the client was of utmost importance in this project because we were talking about TV ads butu also of online sales and call center calls, this meant that we had to integrate our team with Jazztel’s sales team to develop our algorithm.


§   Data Management was a key part of our execution. We had to carefully study the calling patterns on a monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, per minute, basis. We determined the variability of the calling patterns to determine the level of noise or effect that external advertising elements could have. We assessed the effects the ads had on the series (calls), and we calculated how much the calls increased while TV spots where playing.

§   Response Analytics was an important part of the execution. We created an Online dashboard to track the response at a daily level, which allowed us to monitor its evolution. The campaign was evaluated taking in to consideration GRPs played, the investment made, and the immediate response generated. 

§   Response Recommendations were constantly emitted to help optimize as much as we could. We produced Report that analyzed with detail the isolated influence of the actions we took. We identified which of the qualitative aspects of the ads where the most relevant in generating a response. 

The data points we used where specifically related to the client’s business environment and reality. For example, some of the data points we included about the ads were: the creative characteristics of the ads, the time the spot ran, the type of smartphone offered, the colors used, the copy… and so on. 

This helped our client to determine what smartphones were the most popular and so it directly benefited them when the time came to negotiate the acquisition of certain models and brands of smartphones,


The Algorithm and higher quality database helped us to allocate 41% of calls to spots, tripling the usual allocation rate. 

We were able to attribute incremental calls and increase in web sessions to specific TV spots that contained specific tactical and creative features, allowing us to compare conversion and cost per call across different durations, hours, positioning, days of the week, etc... 

We have been able to measure the impact of the different creative characteristics of each spot, allowing us to make decisions on when is the best time to communicate the rate, price, offer, or even the model and/or brand of devices, obtaining quality data which have an impact on the client's business. 

·         We boosted the call conversions by +52% and +20% for website visit conversions. 

·         By emphasizing different creative features on our TV ads we improved our conversion rate by +12%.

·         We are now able to quantify the immediate response in calls and web sessions generated by conventional TV. 

·         The Dashboard is now a decision-making tool for Jazztel's business and a daily work tool for Agency-Client relationships. 

·         Our client has requested to apply the methodology in another Orange Groupe brand (Amena) 

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