Objective:To address and reduce traffic-related emissions through an innovative intervention: the power of music.
Traffic conditions contribute to various stress-inducing scenarios. From traffic jams to unpredictable drivers, these situations can escalate heart rates. Elevated pulse rates often correlate with behaviors like speeding and abrupt braking, which in turn, make climate-friendly driving and emissions reduction a challenge.
The Challenge:
Neste, the world's largest producer of renewable diesel, wanted to help drivers maintain a steady heart rate, promoting climate-friendly driving habits.
Insights and Strategy:
Extensive research reveals the profound impact music can have on human physiology. Specifically, it's indicated that the optimal beats per minute (BPM) to induce calm in drivers is between 60-80 BPM.
Building on this insight, we initiated an in-depth analysis of the busiest roads in Finland and abroad. The objective was to identify areas most prone to causing driver stress.
Leveraging our findings, we curated location-specific playlists. These playlists were designed to soothe and calm drivers as they traversed these identified high-stress zones.
Results:The tailored playlists were released on Spotify, granting easy access for all drivers. By harnessing the calming potential of music, we offered drivers a unique tool to enhance their driving experience and make strides towards reducing traffic-related emissions. The campaign gained significant traction on social media and secured notable coverage in the PR targets – Finnish and Baltic media.