In 2001, Vancouver lost its NBA team. 22 years later, it was time to get one back in the city. The fan support is there. The stadium is built. All we needed was someone with a whole lot of money to step in and help make it happen.
On NBA draft day, we set out to recruit a team of billionaires by asking them to pledge $200 Million towards a future NBA team. In exchange, each recruit would get 1 of 15 ultra-exclusive, custom-designed team VANBACK jerseys. Our goal was to raise $3 Billion, roughly the average valuation of an NBA team.
The “making-of” video and launch event at the VANCITY ORIGINAL store, a local streetwear brand in Vancouver, got the word out. The full story was featured on VANBACK.CA where fans could make their own virtual jersey to join the movement.
Everyone could follow along @teamvanback where we made shout-outs to local billionaires and celebrities to join the team and support the cause. Meanwhile, we got as much attention as we could in local and international press.
Within six weeks of launch, there were more than 20,000 site visits, 140,000 video views and 2,000,000 media impressions. Plus, a group of investors came forward to discuss joining the team. Talks are currently in the works.