Make-A-Wish® - the global organization that creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses – will celebrate World Wish Day on April 29, the 39th anniversary of the wish for then-7-year-old Chris Greicius that inspired the founding of the organization. World Wish Day® celebrates the hundreds of thousands of life-changing wishes that have been granted – and the thousands of wishes still to come. In preparation for the milestone day, Make-A-Wish is launching a month-long World Wish Day campaign with the theme: “Where there’s a wish, there’s a way.”
Throughout April, Make-A-Wish will focus on telling the stories of wish alumni – young and old – whose wishes gave them the strength to fight their illness and transform their lives. By showcasing alumni who are years removed from their wish, Make-A-Wish hopes to dispel the misconception that wishes are only for terminal children.
Wish alumni stories will be on full display in a brand-new series of PSAs that were developed in partnership with TBWA\Chiat\Day LA to showcase the long-lasting, life-changing benefits of a wish come true. The PSAs star Make-A-Wish kids and alumni whose wishes to be an astronaut, dinosaur, mermaid, football player, cowgirl and firefighter served as a catalyst for hope and healing.