At the end of last year, Channel 4 announced that it’s going to be the first UK broadcaster to make use of Apple Vision’s unique capabilities, launching a streaming app that blends digital content with the physical world. But the newness doesn't stop there. New broadcast opportunities also mean new opportunities for advertisers and 4creative is getting in the game too.
Landy Slattery, 4creative’s innovation director, believes that now is the time to experiment, play, and explore the new tools in order to better reach and entertain viewers though Landy also cautions that the approach needs to be balanced. All too often, new technology can serve as a distraction and there should be a “fine balance between awe and overwhelm when working with XR – it’s going to be one of the new sensibilities of creative direction,” Landy says.
The truth is that, for now at least, the cost of the technology remains prohibitive to most consumers, and marketing departments should use this time to invest “in learning and cutting their teeth in this new creative area” to succeed once mass adoption sets in.
LBB’s Zhenya Tsenzharyk chatted to Landy to learn more about why the new development is such an exciting one for 4creative and advertisers at large.
Landy> I would say ultimately, being multisensory, the opportunity for advertisers is a deeper connection. Not only can a user, consumer or viewer feel part of the story they can steer it somewhat themselves, it’s ‘buy-in’ on a whole new emotional level.
Landy> The advertisers thinking of this as an investment in learning and cutting their teeth in this new creative area will have the greatest rewards – waiting for mass adoption will have most left behind. An early adoption advantage will be everything with the future racing so fast towards us.
Landy> The creative marketing world is moving so fast, a Snap lens and a game you can embed your face in on your phone are now a normal part of our campaign deliverables, everything that would have felt like an impossible alchemy a decade ago is a daily norm, and looking at the speed of the curve it will be half that time before we are fully immersed in brand worlds.
Landy> Find the balance between overwhelm and awe, I think the key is to play it cool and as always have a strong idea and a reason. In a new AI world where, creatively, the possibilities are endless, the creatives who have a vision and practice restraint will always win.
Landy> I would say be distracted, run in with open arms, trying to measure and plan this digital renaissance coming against a practical mindset and current processes will slow you down.
Landy> Consumers can expect more empowerment and delight and less friction, and hopefully the brands they love pulling them into new worlds and deeper experiences which have an instant connectivity to the technological advances in their daily lives.