5 minutes with... in association withAdobe Firefly

5 Minutes with… Jeff Cruz

Advertising Agency
Detroit, USA
The MRM Detroit EVP and chief creative officer on the intricacies of automotive advertising, accessibility and AI
As the first-ever chief creative officer at MRM Detroit, Jeff likes to lead by example, and with kindness and empathy. This has not gone unnoticed: it has enhanced team dynamics and creativity while also cultivating “a culture of cross-discipline collaboration and trust”. Inspired by the other passionate leaders he works alongside, Jeff has done everything in his power to grow a diverse pool of talent within MRM. He does his best to practice gratitude in and out of the workplace, as he knows this will keep him grounded in the present and focused on the goals that matter most.  

Since his appointment in 2016, Jeff has prospered in the executive leadership role of EVP and chief creative officer and remains committed to maintaining his approachable nature. In conversation with LBB’s April Summers, he touches on his work for lead client, General Motors, explaining how crafting original IP serves to prime potential customers for their own luxury customer journey. 

LBB> How would you describe your leadership style? And in what ways has it evolved over the course of your career?

Jeff> At MRM, we have a core belief that “Every Relationship Counts.” This not only serves as the true north for how we approach our work and our clients’ business, but also how we connect authentically as people. I’ve been told that I’m a kind and empathetic leader, which is beyond humbling. I believe that great culture leads to great work and great outcomes, so I try to be a leader who lives that philosophy every day.

LBB> Looking back at your work with General Motors, is there a campaign which stands out as especially memorable or significant for you? 

Jeff> The CRM work we do for Cadillac is phenomenal. It’s smart and thoughtful, it’s well-crafted and well-designed, and it’s moving the needle for the iconic brand. Our approach to creating original content for their CRM programs truly helps guide luxury customers on their ownership journey, building their anticipation from the very beginning as an interested hand raiser until months later when they order and receive their amazing new vehicle.

LBB> You were made MRM Detroit’s first-ever chief creative officer in 2016. What is the biggest lesson you have learnt since your appointment? 

Jeff> I’ve been told I’m a very approachable and accessible CCO, which people also tell me is not necessarily the norm. There may be some truth to that, but it’s just how I want to roll as a leader. That said, even if that’s how I went into the new CCO role, I may have still underestimated how meaningful this approach is to our team members. Staying so connected to our people makes them feel seen and heard and, in return, they are so motivated to deliver because the CCO truly values their work and talent. Total win-win. 

LBB> As CCO you have played an integral role in assembling a creative leadership team made up of over 50% female talent — can you tell me a bit more about how you plan to continue to grow the team’s diverse talent pool year on year?

Jeff> Being surrounded by so many intelligent and passionate female leaders is inspiring. During my tenure, we have helped career path a number of talented women into their current creative leadership roles. Over 80% of our female leaders proudly have risen through our ranks as senior creatives at MRM Detroit to become successful creative leaders, and we’re pleased with the progress we’re making.

But we can of course do more. We’re also proud that a few of our creatives helped launch MRM’s first-ever Black affinity group, MRM InTheBlk, right here in Detroit. They’re ensuring we don’t just talk about progress but are taking meaningful actions to make change happen. What we have here in Detroit is very special, and it’s great to witness how people are noticing and appreciating our teams’ efforts.

LBB> Can you tell us about a recent piece of work that makes you beam with pride?

Jeff> Okay, I’m going to have to cheat a little bit here because I have two…

The first is the launch of GM’s new used car platform, CarBravo, which was a big one for us. With CarBravo, we had the luxury of starting with a true blank page to help create a really fun and relentlessly positive brand.

The second is our “No Plate Left Behind “ AR experience for Navy Federal Credit Union. The simple premise of filling a plate virtually (using AR technology) to help fill a plate for real to benefit food-insecure veterans and active military members is powerful stuff. With the community’s help, we were able to deliver 1.3 million real meals through our partnership with Feeding America. Our hearts are filled with a lot of gratitude and pride for that.

LBB> What type of creative do you hope to see more of in 2024?

Jeff> Like many, I’m super curious to see how we as creatives continue to integrate AI into our thinking and how it will help us put even more meaningful things out into the world. I’m also excited to see that there seems to be a renewed focus toward using the power of creativity to drive our clients’ brands AND their business, and not just the type of work that usually does well at award shows. It’s an opportunistic time, and I’m bullish about MRM Detroit.

LBB> How do you motivate and inspire the next generation of creatives in your role as CCO at MRM?

Jeff> Two quick beats on this one:

One, I am constantly sharing creative that I find inspiring, amazing, or gets me thinking, “damn, I wish we did that.” It can come from the trades, what I’m seeing on the socials, wherever. If it’s great, there’s a mighty good chance I’m blasting out an email about it to the folks in our creative group.

And two, it never ceases to amaze me how living by the “Golden Rule,” having — and emphatically expressing — gratitude, and honestly, just simply being a good human can be. It’s true in life, and it’s equally true in the workplace.

LBB> Finally, what are you most passionate about outside of work? Does this influence or inspire you creatively in any way?

Jeff> This is an easy one: Emily, my wife; and Ben, Nate and Vivian, our three kids. Making the time to be absolutely present and enjoying quality time with them is what fills my cup. It puts my head in a better space so that I am better equipped to lead and create when I get back at it at MRM!

Work from MRM Detroit
Roblox Experience
Cleveland Clinic
Roblox Experience Demonstration
Cleveland Clinic
No Plate Left Behind
Navy Federal Credit Union
LBB’s Global Sponsor