Passion Animation Studios and Stories AG have co-produced a second Christmas film for Swiss supermarket Migros featuring the adorable character Finn, who
we met last year, with agency Wirz Werbung AG.
The spot, which ends with the tagline ‘Be There For Each Other’, sees Finn journeying into the outside world in search of his parents. Beating the elements, hitching a ride in a taillight and outsmarting a neighbourhood cat, Finn finally tracks down his parents in a Migros store, living in an old checkout machine.
Once again tugging at the heartstrings, the film expands on the story of Finn and the world created for last year’s film with the cute cash-desk dwellers feeling like a real family, brought together at Christmas.
Seamlessly blending live action with memorable CGI characters, animation directors Kyra & Constantin teamed up with live action directors Dorian Lebhertz and Daniel Titz to create Finn’s second story.