Awards and Events in association withCreative Circle

Art for Change: Meet the Winner for Europe

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Get to know artist Alina Zamanova

Europe Winning entry – ‘Our Children Are Fighting Too’ by Alina Zamanova

Global creative solutions company M&C Saatchi Group, in partnership with London’s iconic Saatchi Gallery, presents the six winners of their annual international art initiative for emerging artists, the Art for Change Prize.

With the concept of Art for Change in mind, this year’s climate focused prize invited emerging artists from around the world to explore one of the most urgent issues of our time and creatively respond to the theme ‘Regeneration’. The six winning artworks open a conversation to examine the theme from different global perspectives, look to create new stories of a liveable future, and empower individuals and entities to act. It’s a call to action for meaningful change, recognising that there’s no art on a dead planet.

Selected from over 3,000 entries from 130 countries worldwide, our six winners were decided by some of the best business and creative minds from the M&C Saatchi Group globally and eminent guest judges. In this Art for Change series, we hear from the winners for 2023.

See the Art for Change Prize Winners exhibition at Saatchi Gallery, London from 30 November 2023 – 7 January 2024. The Art for Change Prize will return in Spring 2024.

Q> Describe yourself in three emojis.

Alina> 🇺🇦🙏🫂


Q> Why did you apply for the Art for Change Prize?

Alina> I thought the theme discussed a very important and inspirational topic for the world to see and engage with, and I felt I wanted to be a part of this collective moment with artists from around the world.


Q> Can you tell us more about where you are from and how this affects your work?

Alina> I am from Ukraine and based in Kyiv. When full-scale war started on the 24th of February 2022, our lives were divided into before and after that date. Nothing is the same now, my art changed too. All I can do now is document the experience and feelings as an artist living in a country in a state of war. Working in my studio nowadays can be interrupted by air raid sirens, nights can be sleepless too due to missile attacks, but it is my mission to keep transforming my experience and emotions into art, tell the stories, spread awareness and reflect. 


Q> Tell us about your winning artwork and the relationship to this year’s theme ‘Regeneration’.

Alina> My painting portrays the unwavering fight of children for a brighter future amidst the challenges of today's world. Through visual metaphors, I emphasise the destructive forces that currently afflict environment and communities. The scorched earth, representing the ravages of war and global crises looming in the backdrop serve as stark reminders of the grave issues we face. However, amidst this disheartening landscape, the central focus of my painting lies in the indomitable strength and unity of children. They stand as beacons of hope, transcending the hardships that surround them, they are the regenerative power that helps us to awaken and act.


Q> Where do you find your inspiration?

Alina> I am influenced by what surrounds me in life, it's always been that through personal observations and experiences I draw inspiration. Turning to nature is always an act to find grounding and get close to the earth, to feel connected to the world, that is why I include a lot of trees and landscapes in my recent work. But of course, the most vivid influence on my work is what is happening around me in Ukraine, war, destruction, hope, powerful community helping each other, world coming together, love, family, nature, overcoming trauma, body-mind relationship, etc. 


Q> Do you believe that art has the power to change the world?

Alina> Yes, it is a powerful tool to change the hate into love, to inspire the minds to look deeper, to realise the priorities and values. 


Q> What’s your dream for the future?

Alina> Victory for my country, Ukraine, freedom. And end for all wars around the world.  

Work from M&C Saatchi Group