The film, created by animation house, Zombie Studio and set to Dean Martin’s iconic 'That's Amore' dives to the depths of the ocean floor to meet a lonesome eel who falls in love with an underwater internet cable, only to accidentally unleash the magic of the Belong onto the seabed and all its creatures.
Head of product and marketing Aaliah Eggins-Bryson said, "Belong has consistently delivered excellent services at a reasonable cost, and our goal was to create a brand platform that reflects this while appealing to a broader audience. What's great about this brand platform is its ability to achieve this while maintaining our brand’s feel-good ethos. You watch the spot, and you can't help but smile."
Howatson+Company ECD, Gavin Chimes said, “In the last few years, Belong has established a legacy of whimsical, feel-good campaigns. ‘More of the good stuff’ builds upon this. It’s a joyful and unexpected celebration of Belong’s core offering - awesomely affordable internet.”
The campaign will rollout across TV, BVOD, Online video, OOH, and Audio, with support across digital and retail placements.