The United Arab Emirates is a country where 200 different nationalities come together, interact and connect every day. Every nationality communicates in a different language, or even the same language with different accents, which creates misunderstandings between people.
Words are misheard, misinterpreted, and misconstrued, leading to a lot of confusion. Dialogues don’t make sense anymore and daily interactions become challenging. Particularly when a service is in need.
Regarding money transfers, Citi and Horizon FCB Dubai saw an opportunity to turn that communication into a much easier one through Citi’s online payments and transfers features.
Yet to highlight this feature, they had to grab the audience’s attention in an amusing way.
Horizon FCB Dubai created a series of confusing radio ads called Lost in Translation from Citi.
The radio spots are about two people from two different nationalities attempting to communicate with each other to transfer money. Unfortunately, the conversation is lost in translation and misunderstood, making the dialogue lose all sense.
Thankfully Citi provides a service that simply makes the communication easier through its online payments and transfers features, avoiding any kind of confusion along the way.