Full Punch has created very niche but relatable targeted headlines to express the idea that Conexus offered investment approaches for very specific types of consumers at different parts of their investment journeys. And to make them more memorable and eye-catching, we also made those same headlines the actual campaign URLs.
Whether it’s investing for “Folks that May Still Be Supporting Their Kids When They Retire” or “People Who Know You Can’t Get Rich Quick But Sure Want To Try”, we demonstrated that Conexus had the solutions they were looking for and made it pretty obvious precisely how to find that information with these Ridiculously Long URLs. Yes, even… www.InvestingForPeopleWhoPanicWhenAnyoneStartsTalkingAboutInvesting.com
Leveraging digital, social, and out of home, we were able to target and retarget messages that continually adapted to the individual being targeted. This further demonstrated Conexus’ tailor-made approach to investing strategies, one designed for unique people with unique circumstances and even more unique investment needs.
And to reach young people just starting out on their investment journey, we created ads for TikTok that capitalised that platform’s unique AR filters. Using an aging effect, we showed users what even a small monthly contribution could grow to in 10, 25 and 50 years, while also showing what they might look like on a similar timeline. In both cases, the results were shocking…