Competing for every pitch is not a realistic way for agencies to stand out, according to Trinity P3 founder Darren Woolley.
“The danger … for agencies is thinking they must be everything to everyone,” he said.
“We’re at a point where there isn’t a lot of distinction between agencies, and agencies look to distinguish themselves by pitching at everything that moves.”
Agencies need to remember that pitching for work is a business decision, he explained. An agency owner who respects their employees must become more circumspect about what they pitch for.
Darren stressed that it’s unrealistic for agencies to try and win every pitch, and it is a waste of energy and resources.
“Agencies that ask questions of a potential client, who try to determine whether the work is right for them – they are the agencies marketers respect more,” Darren said, speaking to Creative Natives CEO Ryan Kelly on a webinar yesterday.
“Pitching for everything reeks of desperation and makes it seem like you don’t care about who your client is.”
This is especially true for indie owners, he continued, who run their own business and have more power to say yes or no. “You shouldn’t be afraid to say no if something isn’t right for you.”
Pitching more deliberately will also increase your strike rate, essential to building momentum and confidence, Darren continued.
“Momentum occurs when people talk about you, so do good work, PR your work, and position yourself as a leader in the market.
“Going for ten pitches and only winning four is a great way to deplete confidence in your agency. Winning a specific two or three at almost 100% is far better for an agency.”
Asked what marketers are looking for in an agency partner, Darren said that “it’s essential to align on values.”
“Since COVID, there’s been a much more vibrant attitude towards indie agencies – probably because it’s driven home to marketers the advantage to talking to a person who runs the business,” he added.
Trinity P3’s pitch-doctors provide marketers and advertisers with benchmarks, training, and advice on maximising marketing value. Darren said the cost of running a pitch necessitates a successful outcome.
“For the client,” Darren said, “a successful pitch means getting the right agency at right time with the right skills. This means what they are actually trying to determine is if there is an alignment on values and if the two businesses can work together.
“What helps win a pitch is asking as many questions as possible during the pitch process. Don’t spend so much time talking about yourself, and spend more time learning about the client.”
Darren emphasised that building relationships is the surest way to achieve pitch success.
“Enter every new business opportunity being sure to position yourself as an equal partner, because you are,” he said.
“In a business-to-business conversation, both parties are looking for the right business partner. Being a demure agency is not going to help you.”
Equal partners also know the value of their work, he noted, and price it accordingly.
“Agencies need to be savvy about how they talk about money; they are too often apologetic about the cost of creative. But this is a business, and they are being asked to do work.”