Thought Leaders in association withPartners in Crime

Developing a Sustainability Sense: Transforming Experiential from the inside Out

Experiential Marketing
Boston, USA
Julien Le Bas, SVP, global head of sustainability & executive creative director, Jack Morton on the sustainability compass we desperately need

Image credit: Jan Huber via Unsplash

In the fast-paced world of experiential marketing, where every decision can feel like a high-wire act between budget constraints and the quest for unforgettable experiences, there's a new tightrope to walk: sustainability. If you've worked in this industry, you've likely honed your senses for what looks good, what sounds feasible, and what smells like a budgetary disaster waiting to happen. But here's the million-dollar (or ton-carbon) question: Do you have a sense for sustainability?

How many of us have disqualified a vendor not because of cost or reliability, but because of their environmental footprint? When scrutinising a proposal, do we really grasp the environmental impact we’re about to endorse? For most of us, the honest answer is probably not. It's not that we don't care. It's just that our industry hasn't quite tuned its instincts to the reality of carbon emissions—yet.

Consider this: intercity domestic flights pollute three to four times more than their train counterparts, and flying business class emits three times more carbon than coach. Shocking, right? Yet, these are the kinds of decisions we navigate daily, often without the sustainability compass we desperately need.

Sustainability: The Complex World We've Oversimplified

Think about the last plastic bag you used - the supply chain and processes behind it. From extracting oil to making plastics, inks, transportation, disposal, recycling potential (or not) – it’s a longer story than we realise. The realms of sustainability, circularity, and waste management are complex, and the extensive reach of our impact quickly feels overwhelming.

While it’s tempting to relegate these concerns to a slide in a PowerPoint or a sustainability report and think our job is done, "the greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." (Robert Swan). So, how do we sharpen our sustainability instincts so that we’re prepared from the start?

1. Training for All. It's essential that everyone involved in the event planning process – account, strategy, creative, production, contractors, etc. - receive training that helps them understand the impact of their decisions. This isn't just about making the ESG team's job easier; it's about empowering everyone with the knowledge to make better choices.

2. Carbon Literacy. Carbon literacy training is certified, easy to dispense, and provides a comprehensive foundation for understanding our environmental impact. The more people who receive this training, the better equipped we will be to make sustainable choices.

3. A Responsive Support Team. Having a team ready to offer guidance and support on making sustainable choices can be a game-changer. This team can navigate the complexities of sustainability, demystify the topic and provide clear, actionable advice.

4. AI = Accessible Information. AI holds vast potential for making information universally accessible. We have taken this to a new level by developing an internal AI bot called Isabela Stun (an anagram of Sustainable). She’s a beacon of our eco-friendly ethos, guiding us in making greener choices and conscious decisions, ensuring our growth is environmentally considerate.

5. The Power of Measurement. Seeing the data, understanding the impact, and testing alternatives will transform how we approach sustainability. Measurement at the project level using tools such as TRACE not only provides clarity but can also lead to those "aha" moments that change the way we think and act.

6. Supplier Engagement. Collaborating with suppliers to find new, innovative solutions can significantly reduce the environmental impact of events. This requires open dialogue and a willingness to experiment and innovate together.

From New Sense to Superpower

Here's the good news: those who work in experiential wield incredible influence. We decide how thousands will eat, where they will stay, and how they will travel. Each decision is an opportunity to multiply our impact for the better.

Developing a sense for sustainability, especially under the pressure of tight deadlines and tighter budgets, is no small feat. But it's essential. It's about transforming our inherent planning superpowers to create moments that delight and also protect and preserve our world for generations to come.

Together, we can make sustainability our industry's new benchmark for success, one (superpowered) decision at a time.