Acclaimed director Frank Todaro, celebrated for his comedic storytelling and distinctive visual flair, has travelled the lively streets of Mexico City in collaboration with Moxie Pictures. The purpose? To craft an ambitious campaign for a prominent retail brand, elevating the fusion of cinematic narrative and commercial artistry.
With a distinguished career in the advertising industry, Tornado has an impressive track record working with giants such as Yelp, FedEx, Geico, Radioshack, NFL, and the award-winning Super Bowl spot 'Sliced Bread' for Little Caesar's. His extensive experience takes centre stage in this latest venture.
The bustling energy of Mexico City seamlessly intertwines with Todaro's creative vision, becoming the perfect setting for the challenging two-day shoot. Moxie Pictures, in a strategic alliance with Kinema Films, has embarked on this cinematic odyssey, daring to achieve what many deemed impossible.
The diverse city’s terrains, including woods, mountains, planes, and bridges, set the stage for Todaro's visionary campaign. The schedule demanded nothing less than perfection. The Mexican landscape and the local team played a strategic role in bringing Torado’s vision to life.