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Gold-Medal Marketing: Crafting Heartfelt Ads for the Olympics

Advertising Agency
Singapore, Singapore
BBDO's Tiny Hu and Camilla Gleditsch explore how brands effectively leveraged the global stage of the Olympics to launch campaigns

With the conclusion of the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics, the spotlight wasn’t solely on the athletes; it also shone brightly on the brands that leveraged this global stage to launch compelling campaigns. These campaigns did more than achieve commercial success - they resonated deeply with audiences worldwide, capturing the Olympic spirit and translating it into narratives that transcended cultural and national boundaries. For brand marketers, the Olympics offer a unique opportunity to connect with a global audience on an emotional and cultural level. To fully capitalise on this opportunity, it's crucial to understand the core elements that make Olympic advertising not just effective, but memorable and meaningful. This article delves into these key strategies, providing actionable that can be adapted by a wide range of brands and marketers preparing for future Olympic Games - even if they’re not official sponsors.

Start, ready, go!

1. Celebrate Athletes as Humans for Emotional Impact:

Showcase the personal stories, challenges, and triumphs of athletes to create deeper emotional bonds with your audience.

Olympic campaigns that resonate most deeply are those that tap into the emotional depth of athletes’ stories - whether they inspire, uplift, or evoke a sense of pride. The Olympics provide a global stage to highlight personal challenges, triumphs, and resilience, portraying athletes as more than just competitors but as individuals with powerful human stories. This strategy is not unique to one agency; various marketing teams have employed it successfully, demonstrating its universal appeal. For marketers, the lesson is clear: focus on storytelling that goes beyond the surface, incorporating themes of inclusion, mental health, and the raw emotional experiences of athletes.

For example, Ogilvy New York’s campaign for Powerade’s 'The Vault' featuring Simone Biles, went beyond her athletic achievements, delving into her emotional resilience and her decision to prioritize mental health during the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. The campaign underscored the importance of taking a pause for well-being, a message that resonated with many and sparked a broader conversation about mental health in sports. 

Similarly, in a different approach, BBDO Shanghai’s collaboration with Allianz Insurance for the 2022 Olympics, through their campaign “The Strength to Move Forward,” showcased resilience and perseverance. Rather than relying on extensive copy, the team chose to tell a simple yet powerful story through two small characters. The narrative follows a man who journeys across mountains and rivers and a girl who pursues her figure skating dreams in her own world. Their paths eventually cross at a competition, where they draw strength from each other to keep moving forward - a story that also strongly resonated with viewers.

Actionable Tips

  • Focus on Storytelling: Go beyond surface-level achievements. Highlight the human side of athletes, including their struggles, sacrifices, and mental health journeys. Brands can play a crucial role in promoting empathy and understanding, using their platforms to address important issues and connect with audiences on a deeper level.
  • Promote Inclusion: Integrate themes of diversity and inclusion to broaden your campaign's appeal.
  • Engage with Real Stories: Use real-life events and experiences to create relatable and powerful narratives.

2. Embrace Inclusivity and Unite the World

Emphasise themes of inclusivity, diversity, and global togetherness, reflecting the Olympic spirit and appealing to a broad audience.

The Olympics are inherently a celebration of diversity and unity, and brands that embrace these values in their campaigns are more likely to resonate with a broad audience. Rather than treating inclusivity as a mere buzzword, successful campaigns embed these values into the core of their narratives, resonating with a wide range of demographics.

Samsung’s 'Open always wins' in collaboration with BBH is an example of how to effectively incorporate inclusivity into Olympic marketing. By featuring athletes from diverse backgrounds and abilities, Samsung made inclusivity the core of their narrative. This approach not only aligns with the Olympic ethos but also strengthens the brand’s connection with a global audience by celebrating values of openness, diversity, and collective achievement.

BBDO Canada’s partnership with OLG for the 2024 Olympics provides another valuable lesson. Their 'Sponsored by You' campaign emphasised the importance of community support, making the audience feel like active participants in the athletes’ journeys.

Actionable Tips:

  • Centre on Inclusivity: Make inclusivity a foundational element of your campaign.
  • Celebrate Unity: Use your platform to highlight moments of global unity and mutual respect. Whether through national events, local community initiatives, or international collaborations, find ways to bring people together.
  • Showcase Diversity: Feature athletes from diverse backgrounds and abilities to reflect the global nature of the Olympics.
  • Build Community Engagement: Engage your audience by making them active participants in your campaigns, whether through user-generated content, interactive experiences, or community-driven initiatives.

3. Leverage Cutting-Edge Technology:

Utilise the latest technology - such as AR, VR, or AI - to enhance the viewing experience and engage your audience in innovative ways.

Campaigns that leverage cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, or personalised digital experiences are redefining audience engagement. As marketing continues to eveolve in the digital age, integrating technological innovation can elevate campaigns, making them more immersive and impactful. Marketers should view technological innovation not just as a tool for engagement, but as a means to amplify the emotional impact of their campaigns.

For example, Brand Ukraine and BBDO's 'The Revived' campaign utilised deep fake technology to bring the stories of deceased Ukrainian athletes - victims of war - back to life. With the permission of their families, AI technologies were used to revive these athletes, highlighting their faces and potential. This innovative use of AI transcended the typical boundaries of Olympic advertising, offering a deeply moving experience that resonated with audiences worldwide.

Actionable Tips:

  • Experiment with Technology: Incorporate emerging technologies to create immersive experiences that connect with your audience on a deeper level. Consider how technology can help you tell your brand’s story in a more compelling way.
  • Use Technology to Enhance Emotion: Utilise tools like deepfake or AI to tell stories that might otherwise be impossible.
  • Test and Learn: Run pilot programs to gauge audience response to new technologies before scaling up.

4. Engage Your Audience Through Interaction:

By focusing on interactive engagement and personalised experiences, brands can create campaigns that not only capture attention but also build lasting relationships with their audience, driving both immediate and long-term impact.

In the ever-evolving landscape of Olympic marketing, engaging audiences through meaningful interaction is key to creating lasting impressions. Brands that successfully incorporate interactive elements into their campaigns can foster deeper connections with their audience, turning passive viewers into active participants.

An example of this strategy is Alibaba’s Wonder Avenue, an immersive and futuristic retail experience that debuted on the Champs-Élysées in Paris during the 2024 Paris Olympics. 

BBDO Shanghai helped Alibaba craft an engaging experience that went beyond mere promotion, immersing visitors in a multi-sensory journey of future shopping.

Wonder Avenue unfolded across four distinct stages, each designed to captivate and involve visitors in different ways. 

The journey began with the creation of a personal avatar at a touch-screen booth, assisted by a bilingual (French and English) smart assistant. This avatar was central to the experience, as it accompanied the visitor through various interactive stages, enhancing personalisation and engagement. Once the avatar was created, visitors were issued a personalised pass that unlocked unique experiences throughout the installation. 

In the ‘Make Up’ stage, visitors received tailored beauty recommendations and had the opportunity to customize cosmetic and fragrance products. The smart assistant examined the visitor’s image and virtually applied products to themselves, allowing guests to perfect their look in a digital environment. This stage also included the issuance of a personalised perfume card, adding a tangible element to the digital experience.

The journey continued in the ‘Dress Up’ stage, where visitors entered a virtual fitting room to style their avatars using voice commands. Here users could select outfits and generate personalised posters that could be shared on social media. This not only extended the interaction beyond the physical pop-up but also created an organic way to boost brand advocacy through user-generated content.

In the fourth and final stage, guests were invited to participate in a runway show alongside their avatars within a parallel digital world. This grand finale was captured through photos and videos, offering visitors the chance to take selfies with their avatars. This stage cleverly tapped into the growing influence of gen z consumers, who increasingly view fashion shows as sources of inspiration. For those that were unable to visit Paris in person, the experience was also accessible through the Taobao app, allowing users to dress avatars with a single click in four parallel digital worlds.

By combining cutting-edge technology with immersive storytelling, Alibaba’s Wonder Avenue demonstrates how brands can create engaging and memorable experiences that resonate with audiences on multiple levels. This approach not only captivates visitors during the event but also amplifies the brand’s reach and impact through shareable content and sustained digital interaction.

Actionable Tips:

  • Create Immersive Experiences: Develop interactive retail or digital experiences that invite participation. Use AR, VR, and smart assistants to create environments where customers can interact with your brand in novel ways, making the experience more engaging and shareable.
  • Leverage Personalisation: Incorporate personalised elements, such as avatar creation and tailored product recommendations, to deepen the connection with your audience. This approach not only enhances engagement but also creates a memorable experience that visitors are likely to share with others.
  • Extend Beyond Physical Spaces: Use digital platforms like social media or apps to extend the experience beyond the physical location, as seen with the Taobao app’s integration with Wonder Avenue. This not only increases reach but also allows for continuous engagement even after the event.
  • Incorporate Multi-Sensory Elements: Engage multiple senses through visual, auditory, and tactile experiences. This multi-layered approach can create a richer, more engaging brand interaction that resonates on deeper levels.

5. Optimise For Perfect Placement for Maximum Impact:

Ensure your brand is strategically placed where it will garner the most attention, whether that’s through digital media, live events, or strategic partnerships.

Leveraging prime TV time, strategically placed ads, or on-the-ground activations during the Olympics can make all the difference.

For example, Sephora's 'Beauty and Sport' campaign made a notable impact through its strategic placement along the Olympic Torch Relay route. By setting up pop-up stores in key cities and offering makeovers to winning athletes, Sephora cleverly integrated its brand into the Olympic festivities. This approach not only boosted visibility but also increased consumer engagement at crucial moments and locations, effectively tying the brand to the excitement of the Games.

Actionable Tips:

  • Leverage Prime Locations: Position your ads in key areas like the Olympic Torch Relay route or major event venues. This can be applied to any high-traffic event or location relevant to your target audience.
  • Optimise Timing: Align your ad placements with peak viewing times and important Olympic moments.
  • Enhance On-the-Ground Presence: Use pop-up stores, live events, or guerrilla marketing tactics to create physical touchpoints with your audience, similar to Sephora’s strategy during the 2024 Olympics. This approach can be used to increase visibility and engagement during peak times.
  • Use Data to Inform Placement: Analyse consumer data to identify the most effective times and places for your ads, ensuring maximum impact. Tailor your placements based on where your target audience is most active.

6. Be Creative With Your Copywriting:

Use impactful and creative copywriting to capture attention, convey your message effectively, and stand out in a crowded space.

Creative copywriting is crucial in Olympic marketing, as it must cut through the noise and connect with audiences on a personal level. Channel 4’s 'Considering What?' campaign, in partnership with 4creative, boldly addresses and challenges common misconceptions, encouraging people to rethink their attitudes towards Para sports. It’s designed to provoke thought and shift the general mindset, highlighting the strength, skill, and determination of Para athletes.

The success of this campaign lies in its ability to confront societal biases head-on while maintaining an empowering and respectful tone. By directly questioning the audience’s preconceived notions, the campaign not only raises awareness but also promotes inclusivity and respect for athletes who often face significant challenges. The strategic use of straightforward yet provocative language makes the message clear and impactful, demonstrating how carefully chosen words can influence public perception and spark meaningful dialogue.

The Channel 4 campaign showcases the power of copywriting to not only inform but also challenge the audience, pushing them to reflect on their own beliefs and attitudes. This creates a deeper level of engagement, as viewers are not just passive recipients of a message but are actively encouraged to think and feel differently.

Actionable Tips:

  • Be Bold and Provocative: Don’t be afraid to challenge common perceptions or take a stand on important issues. Use your copy to start conversations that align with your brand’s values. Provocative questions or statements can be effective tools for capturing attention and prompting audience reflection.
  • Connect Emotionally: Write copy that speaks directly to your audience’s emotions, whether it’s through humour, empathy, or inspiration. Tailor your message to the specific needs and desires of your target demographic.
  • Use Storytelling: Weave narratives into your copy that engage readers and make your message more memorable. Storytelling not only captures attention but also allows your audience to see themselves in the narrative, deepening their connection to your brand.
  • Leverage Humour and Irony: When appropriate, use humour or irony to make your copy more engaging and memorable. This can help break down barriers and make your message more relatable, especially when dealing with sensitive or challenging topics.
  • Keep It Simple and Clear: Ensure your message is clear and concise, avoiding jargon or overly complex language. Simplicity often leads to greater impact, especially in crowded marketing spaces. Clear, direct language ensures that your message is accessible and understood by a wide audience.
  • Challenge the Audience: Engage your audience by asking questions or making statements that prompt them to think differently. Encourage them to challenge their own beliefs or assumptions, creating a deeper level of interaction with your content.

7. Make People Laugh, and They'll Reward You for It

Use humour in a way that aligns with your brand voice and resonates with the diverse, global Olympic audience.

Humour is a universal language that can effectively bridge cultural divides, making it a powerful tool in Olympic marketing. McDonald's France in partnership with DDB Paris, found a creative way to tap into the Olympic excitement. Their campaign welcomed visitors from around the world to France, using the brand's well-known slogan, 'Come as you are.'

In the ad, tourists humorously confuse locals by using various international nicknames for McDonald's while asking for directions. The confusion clears up only when an American mentions the iconic Big Mac, leading everyone to the familiar golden arches.

This campaign is a great example of how humour can be used to make a brand more approachable and relatable, especially during a global event like the Olympics. By leveraging the different cultural names for McDonald's, the ad not only created a sense of unity among global visitors but also celebrated the brand’s international recognition. The humour was light-hearted and played on the universal experience of trying to communicate in a foreign country, which many Olympic tourists could relate to, making the ad both entertaining and memorable.

Additionally, the ad's success can be attributed to its ability to balance humour with a clear and consistent brand message. While the comedic element was front and centre, the ad reinforced McDonald’s global presence and its welcoming brand ethos, encapsulated by the slogan "Come as you are." This ensured that while viewers were entertained, they also received a strong brand message that aligned with McDonald's identity.

Furthermore, the campaign demonstrated the importance of cultural sensitivity in humour. By using humour that was universally understandable and inoffensive, McDonald's was able to appeal to a wide audience without alienating any particular group. The ad cleverly avoided potential pitfalls by focusing on a shared, positive experience rather than stereotypes or divisive humour.

Actionable Tips:

  • Align Humour with Brand Voice: Ensure that the humour used in your campaigns aligns with your brand’s personality and values. This helps in maintaining consistency and building a stronger brand identity.
  • Test Cultural Sensitivity: When using humour, especially in a global campaign, test your content to ensure it resonates across different cultures without causing offense. This can involve focus groups or localised versions of your campaigns. Consider the different cultural nuances and avoid humour that could be misinterpreted or offensive in certain regions.
  • Use Humour to Enhance Relatability: Humour can make your brand more relatable and accessible. Use it to break down barriers and connect with your audience on a personal level.
  • Combine Humour with a Clear Message: While humour is effective, it should not dilute the core message of your campaign. Ensure that your audience takes away the intended message along with the laughter.
  • Leverage Universal Experiences: Humour that taps into universal experiences - such as the challenges of traveling - can resonate with a broader audience. Identify common experiences that your audience shares and use them as a basis for your humour.

8. Never Let Them Forget You

In today's fast-paced market, short-term wins are no longer enough. Brands need to focus on long-term strategies that resonate deeply with their audience. By consistently aligning with meaningful values, engaging through culturally relevant content, and exploring innovative approaches to sponsorship, brands can create a lasting impact that extends far beyond the immediate campaign.

In 2010, Procter & Gamble’s campaign during the Olympics titled 'Thank You, Mom,' crafted in collaboration with Wieden+Kennedy Portland, aimed to enhance P&G's corporate image by unifying its 34 brands with a common message that celebrated mothers worldwide. The slogan 'P&G, Proud sponsor of Moms' encapsulated the campaign's theme. The initiative included a digital platform where consumers could express gratitude to their mothers, enhancing audience engagement. Additionally, P&G established the P&G Family Home to provide a comforting space for the families of Olympic athletes. This campaign is a prime example of how long-term brand strategies, rooted in shared values, can drive both commercial success and enduring brand loyalty.

Another example is one from this year. As an official Olympic Global Partner, Mengniu's Paris 2024 Olympic campaign, 'Nourishing Everyone's Strength,' crafted in collaboration with BBDO Beijing, shifts the focus from elite athletes to everyday individuals who embody the Olympic spirit of perseverance, teamwork, and dedication. This year, the Paris 2024 Olympics not only uphold the traditional Olympic ideals of 'Higher, Faster, Stronger,' but also emphasise inclusivity with the theme of 'Open.' In response, Mengniu adjusted its strategy to highlight individuals who exemplify the spirit of sportsmanship, beyond just elite athletes.

What’s particularly noteworthy is how they strategically aligned their content releases with key Olympic milestones - such as Olympic Day, the athletes' departure, and the opening day of competitions - ensuring that Mengniu remains at the forefront of consumers' minds throughout the Olympic cycle. For example:

Olympic Day

Athletes' Departure Day

Opening Day of Competitions

During the Games, to maintain the momentum of Mengniu's resilient brand spirit, the main TVC’s narrative was further edited into five distinct video segments, each offering a unique perspective. This strategic move not only amplified the campaign's reach but also deepened Mengniu's engagement with the broader media landscape and national sentiment.

These examples demonstrates that true Olympic sponsorship lies in supporting not just champions, but everyone striving for their personal best as well as the people who help them along the way. This approach exemplifies how sustained engagement across an entire Olympic cycle can significantly enhance brand recognition and consumer loyalty.

Actionable Tips:

  • Subtle Integration: Weave your brand elements naturally into the narrative.
  • Leverage Key Moments: Time your brand's visibility to coincide with significant Olympic milestones.
  • Maintain Consistency: Ensure your brand’s visual identity is consistently represented across all campaign elements.
  • Plan for Long-Term Engagement: Create a content calendar that extends beyond the immediate campaign, ensuring sustained engagement over time. This could include follow-up content, community engagement, or related product launches.

9. Explore New Sponsorship Models:

Explore and experiment with non-traditional sponsorship opportunities, such as digital-only partnerships or experiential marketing initiatives.

Brands are increasingly adopting innovative sponsorship models that go beyond traditional approaches, finding creative ways to partner with events, teams, and individuals that align with their values and resonate with their target audiences. In a competitive landscape where official sponsorship opportunities are limited, non-traditional approaches offer brands a chance to stand out and make an impact.

So, where do you go when athletes, venues, and merchandise are already sponsored?

One innovative example is Fenty Beauty’s approach during the Olympics. Volunteers who presented medals to winners were provided with Fenty Beauty makeup kits to create a unified look for the event. On-site makeup artists helped volunteers achieve the perfect appearance. As a result, 600 volunteers became walking ambassadors for Fenty Beauty, gaining significant exposure during the games.

Kim Kardashian's Skims, another brand that made waves at the 2024 Paris Olympics, took a similarly unconventional route by becoming the official underwear outfitter for Team USA. This partnership was not just about visibility; it was about aligning the brand with the values of comfort, performance, and inclusivity, which resonate strongly with the Olympic spirit. SKIMS used this opportunity to demonstrate that their products are designed for real people with real needs, further strengthening their brand’s authenticity and appeal.

These examples highlight how brands can leverage the Olympics as a platform for innovative marketing strategies that go beyond traditional sponsorships. By focusing on niche opportunities - such as outfitting volunteers or athletes in specific gear - brands like Fenty Beauty and SKIMS managed to carve out unique spaces for themselves in a highly competitive environment. These partnerships not only elevated their visibility during the Games but also aligned their brands with key values that resonate with their target audiences.

In addition to traditional product placements, these brands used their Olympic partnerships to tell broader stories about their brand values. For instance, Fenty Beauty’s involvement emphasised diversity and inclusivity by providing makeup kits that cater to a wide range of skin tones, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to representation. SKIMS, on the other hand, highlighted comfort and practicality, aligning their products with the performance and endurance required of Olympic athletes.

Actionable Tips:

  • Partner Strategically: Collaborate with events or individuals that share your brand’s values and target audience. Look for opportunities where your brand can add unique value, even in non-traditional spaces.
  • Leverage Ambush Marketing: Consider non-traditional sponsorship methods, such as providing products or services that enhance the experience of participants or attendees, to associate your brand with major events without official sponsorship.
  • Explore Co-Branding Opportunities: Work with other brands to create joint campaigns that amplify your reach and impact. Co-branding can help you enter new markets or enhance your brand’s credibility.
  • Think Beyond the Obvious: Look for creative ways to gain visibility in crowded markets. This might involve supporting causes related to the event, creating experiences for non-attendees, or even digital-only activations.

Final Thoughts and Looking Ahead: Los Angeles 2028

Looking ahead, it's crucial for marketers to stay attuned to evolving trends and continue exploring new ways to engage audiences, celebrating both the athletic achievements and the human stories that make the Olympics so impactful.

The entertainment factor in Olympic advertising is vital for capturing and maintaining audience attention. The Olympics are a time of excitement and celebration, and brands that can tap into this energy with creative, engaging content are more likely to be remembered.

During the games, staying agile and responding to real-time events with quick, clever content can captivate audiences, keeping your brand relevant and directly connected to the unfolding excitement. However, entertainment in advertising should not be superficial; it needs to align with the core message of the campaign. Brands that entertain while conveying a meaningful narrative stand out. Whether through humour, surprising twists, or visually stunning content, the key is to engage the audience in a way that is both enjoyable and thought-provoking.

As we look forward to the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, brands should focus on blending emotional storytelling with technological innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability to create campaigns that truly resonate on a global scale.


Successful campaigns during the Olympics are those that balance emotional resonance with brand visibility, innovation with inclusivity, and sustainability with entertainment. For brand marketers, the key takeaway is to approach Olympic advertising with a holistic strategy that integrates these elements seamlessly.

By focusing on crafting heartfelt, inclusive, and innovative campaigns that resonate with the universal values celebrated by the Olympics, brands can capture the attention of viewers and create lasting impressions that endure well beyond the closing ceremony. The Olympics offer a rare opportunity to connect with a global audience on a deeply emotional level, and the brands that seize this opportunity with thoughtful, strategic campaigns - regardless of their sponsorship status - will be the ones that truly stand out in the crowded landscape of Olympic advertising.

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