High Five in association withThe Immortal Awards

High Five: Stories of Motherhood

Production Company
Los Angeles, USA
President and executive producer at Eleanor, Sophie Gold, relishes in all things maternal with five touching ads that have stuck with her

Today we’re celebrating the many faces, joys and stories of motherhood. I’m weighing in on the best in tales of maternal love, not just as Eleanor president and executive producer, but also as a proud mother of two beautiful daughters. As I ponder motherhood, I also draw inspiration from my own mum, who was strong, confident, kind and loving in the 14 incredible years I had with her. These films champion mothers in unexpected ways, finding narratives at the meeting of compelling originality and gripping familiarity...

PureLeaf - 'The No Grants'

Agency: Edelman
Production: Eleanor 
Sound: Bronx Audio

Alyson Felix heroes this pulsing tessellation of maternal financial stress. A pattern of reluctant agreements unravels the emotive core of this social injustice. We see woman after woman, mother after mother, take on the extra work requested of them or suffer devastating consequences. Their words say 'yes', and yet each downtrodden visage screams a rejecting lament. In the poetic visual repetition, we sense the numerous women torn between a spoken 'yes' and a heart’s no.

Cadbury - 'Triplets'

Agency: Oglivy South Africa
Production: Velocity Films
Director: Adrian De Sa Garces
Sound: Cut & Paste Generation

Even carefully arranged plans never unfold exactly as expected. Our young mother beams with excitement, a humming and snapping trio within her pregnant belly. There’s something wonderfully whimsical about the singing triplets in their amniotic concert hall. This joyful vignette of expectancy celebrates the curveballs that come with becoming a mother.

Fisher Nuts - 'Toughest Critic'

Agency: Huge
Production: Eleanor
Director: Kelsey Taylor

Mother figures can be our toughest critics. Yet, beneath what may suggest misunderstanding lies a love so fierce and a guidance so instinctual. This film invites us into a warm dining room space where our hero daughter-in-law’s baked brie with honey glazed walnuts falls under the assessing gaze of her mother-in-law. An approving hmmm marks that our heroine has won her mother-in-law’s admiration with culinary prowess. With a uniting ending, this family story plays on and then flips narrative expectations of a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law bond.

Norfolk Friends of Foster Care - 'Permanency: Mahogany'

Director: Dawit N.M.

This short documentary tells Mahogany’s incredible story. In foster care for 12 years, Mahogany describes the emotional rollercoaster of constantly moving and the difficulty of that instability and impermanence. After 22 placements, Mahogany met her mum, Angelique. Angelique committed to taking care of Mahogany and loving her, even before she adopted her. This film spotlights both the challenge teens in foster care face and the unending possibility for victorious joy.

Wretch 32 - 'Mummy’s Boy'

Director: Chris Chuky
Sound: Universal Music Group

Turning the tables on those who hurl "Mummy’s boy!" as an insult, Wretch 32’s music video rejoices in his incredible mum and her influence on his life. The praising lyrics unfold across an elegant funerary scene - a service for our hero’s mum. The narrative blends time, showing our hero - played by Wretch 32 - grieving as both an adult and a child. A chronological waltz that crescendos in an emotive embrace between our hero and his mum. The complexity and beauty of motherhood shines through each of these cinematic gems.

Work from Eleanor
Tea Break
Pure Leaf
Revolving Door
Dial of Destiny