Advertising and communication are so cluttered that marketers are creating bad campaigns that are a waste of their and the consumers’ time.
HOOK - The idea behind why ideas catch on and published by Wilkinson Publishing - gives you an easy-to-remember system to create campaigns that have human emotion, ownable messaging, unique offerings and talkability among their audience. HOOK theory is made up of four elements (Human, Ownable, Offer, Keep) that help you create great ideas and marketing campaigns that work.
Marketing has got so complicated and confusing. There used to be TV, radio and outdoor. Now there are so many different platforms from EDM’s to HTML, SEO, PPC, AI, VR, and WTF!
There’s Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and that new thing your nephew is on! It’s a battle and we’re all losing. The only winners here are Facebook and Google, they own us all.
The only thing they don’t own is creativity. This is what this book is essentially about. It’s about getting back to basics. It’s been written to help you easily remember a formula to help you create engaging content for your audience.
Everything in this book has been designed to have its own HOOK. From the cover to the way it’s laid out. It’s copywriting meets art direction to create a unique looking marketing book.
Says Pat Langton: "The industry has somewhat lost its way, we’re too focused on measuring that we’ve forgotten what’s important, the message, giving the consumer something they might actually want to watch, listen to, read or experience. The battle for attention is why I wrote this book. So, if you’re losing the battle of attention this book is for you."
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