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MassiveMusic Debuts the First Official Sonic Identity for the Eurovision Song Contest

Sound & Music
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The competition is introducing a unified sonic identity that celebrates the new host’s Swiss musical heritage while setting an adaptable foundation for future editions

MassiveMusic, the agency of record for some of the biggest brands in the world and part of the Songtradr company, has created the first fully comprehensive sonic identity for the Eurovision Song Contest, debuting in 2025. 

In the runup and broadcast of the 69th edition of the beloved international music competition taking place in Basel, Switzerland, global audiences will be treated to a fully developed range of sonic signatures across live, broadcast and digital channels. These sounds encapsulate the unifying nature of the brand while celebrating the individuality and diversity at the core of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Sound and music are the heart of Eurovision. And, following Switzerland’s epic 2024 win with Nemo’s operatic drum and bass anthem ‘The Code’, Eurovision wanted to create a sonic identity which captured the celebratory energy of the event, while also feeling contemporary to its 200 million viewers tuning in each year. It also had to be adaptable for use by all future host countries with 2025’s nodding to the elements of Swiss musical heritage. For this reason, they turned to MassiveMusic, known for its award-winning work with some of the most famous brands in the world to work on the sonic branding for 2025 and beyond. 

MassiveMusic’s approach for 2025 was to look at Eurovision’s sonic DNA and also Switzerland’s music heritage and infuse them with a modern aesthetic. ‘See You Radiate’ primes the viewer for an unforgettable experience with a sound which radiates electronic beats with traditional Swiss folk instruments. Individual sonic waves build to one overall sound, symbolising how Eurovision is made up of communities of artists, fans and countries across the globe all coming together to make the contest the celebration that it is.

The sonic identity forms the whole music DNA of the brand, featuring in everything from voting sounds to transition elements and more. The signature’s flexibility also means it can be adapted for specific platform use, meaning the brand can build consistency across its marketing efforts in the lead-up to the competition. 

Looking forward, the sound of Eurovision allows for implementation across editions, where future host countries can bring their own take on the sonic identity, whilst still remaining recognisable. Doing so allows Eurovision to develop a more comprehensive, defined and memorable sonic identity which captures the ideas at the core of the competition.

Béa Day, head of creative direction at MassiveMusic Amsterdam, said, “For the sonic identity of Eurovision, we drew inspiration from the brand identity ‘Unity Shapes Love’, capturing the power of connection through music. The sonic DNA, ‘See You Radiate’, is a bold, dynamic track with unexpected twists that blends Swiss cultural essence with Eurovision’s global spirit. Strategically designed, it caters to the diverse needs of such an iconic event, ensuring emotional resonance and brand consistency.”

Artur Deyneuve, art director for the project said, "Unity truly shapes love, and this collaboration has been a testament to that. Working with EQAL Visual Productions AG, NOT Wieden + Kennedy, MassiveMusic, newglyph SA, SRG SSR, and everyone else involved was an absolute pleasure. They embraced every challenge and consistently went the extra mile, pushing boundaries and challenging every aspect to deliver something extraordinary. The collaboration, creativity, and ability to deeply understand this special brief were inspiring." 

Lea Rindlisbacher, EQAL, “We're incredibly proud to be part of this amazing project. MassiveMusic has been the perfect partner to craft the Eurovision Song Contest's sonic branding, going above and beyond to achieve this outstanding result.”

Agency / Creative
Work from MassiveMusic Amsterdam
Too Many
Sing Along for Christmas
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