Hires, Wins & Business in association withLBB Pro

Pro User: Why We’re Creating a Home for the Industry’s Talent

London, UK
Head of Pro User accounts at Little Black Book, Hannah Baines, and founder, Matt Cooper, dive into what LBB's new membership for individuals has to offer, from taking the reins of your creative profile to an invitation to our Beach at Cannes...

For most of its history, Little Black Book has worked on a company-level membership model. But recently, we introduced a new way to be part of the community when we launched our new Pro User membership for individuals. Aimed at creators, artists, composers, editors, sound designers, producers, filmmakers, and more who wish to curate an automatically-updated online portfolio, build reels, find new work, and make connections in their industry sector, the first 1000 early adopters will get the chance to buy this membership for just £99.99.

To find out more about what motivated this innovation and to hear why it's a gamechanger for many in the creative industries, we spoke to head of Pro User accounts at Little Black Book, Hannah Baines, and founder, Matt Cooper.

LBB> What was the creative industry saying that led to the idea of introducing a Pro level of LBB Users?

Matt> We kept hearing two things from people in our industry. Firstly, "Where do I find the talent I want to work with and see what they've done? For example, colourists, editors, creatives, etc.". Secondly, we were told by many that every creative type builds their own portfolio site, but no-one sees them. As we started to realise that we had 2.4 million credits across 400,000 creative people, we thought - we already have their portfolios, now they can just add their own work to it. The really killer bit is that the profiles now sit in front of 500,000 people per month on LBB, so creatives can get ready to be found.

Hannah> Our membership model has always worked really well for the many existing companies who utilise LBB, but it became clear during the beta-testing phase of our new site in 2023 that there were many people who were not necessarily part of a company - or that had current or previous work that they’d love to be able to share - but had no or few places to do so. We heard from many who struggle to get the time to maintain multiple sites with all their new content - and sometimes they can't find or access it in the first place. Introducing the Creative Library and its People section to LBB made it clear to us that there was a big gap for showcasing these individuals - and we needed to provide the solution. 

LBB> How does this new offering answer that need?

Matt> It’s so simple. A creative can now log in, claim their profile on LBB, and simply add all of their creative history. That work will be stored on LBB (always) and can be seen by all - for free. It’s kind of a win-win. Creatives get a home, and the people looking for talent to work with can find them. It’s the most cost-effective way to put your showreel in your pocket - and in front of the world - all at once.

Hannah> A bit like actors and directors have a page on IMDB, LBB introduced this area showcasing talent and every piece of work they have ever been credited on, on our site. (If you search for yourself as a Free User, you may already be listed). Helping people save time and money, Pro Users have the additional ability to curate their profile and use it in place of a personal website or multiple other directory listings. The best bit? LBB’s profiles automatically update whenever you’re credited on a new piece of work, removing the need to hunt down final files, credits and more.

LBB> Why is now the right time for Pro?

Hannah> When LBB launched this new space, we put the feelers out to a selection of creatives who we thought it may appeal to - and we got a very positive response! People were excited at the idea of being able to upload a huge breadth of work across all sorts of formats, in one place - whether a campaign they were part of, a personal side hustle or freelance project. We created Pro after many told us they wanted a space they could personally reach our audience, alongside any company-level activity they may be involved in.

Matt> We've built LBB globally over the last 15 years. It’s pretty big now, and we feel we can benefit the individuals just as we do the companies. The world has changed drastically since covid-19, and we are working in different ways with different people. Pro is built with that in mind. It gives people a place to be seen by a global market. 

LBB> How will Pro Users benefit beyond what a Free User can do on LBB?

Hannah> Pro Users can upload any work they've been involved in (not already on LBB) to their own profile, then curate / reorder pieces to their preference so it can be used as the central platform for all of their creative work. Our team will also complete an initial search and cleanse of any relevant news and work already published on LBB that we can get them credited on, all of which would populate their profile. Pro Users have a verification badge promoting their profile in the Credits and People sections of LBB, plus their own dedicated contact for anything they need. They can also join our upcoming Pro Community for more opportunities specifically for this membership type, and on top of all this, all Pro Users will be added to our guestlist for our Beach at Cannes this year! 

Matt> We’ll start to showcase our Pro Users so the industry can find talent they are unaware of, or be reminded of someone brilliant! This area on LBB can become a Pro User's calling card and website all in one, and it can update whilst they are sleeping.

LBB> What do you think are the most exciting ways that the broader creative industry can benefit from there being Pro Users on LBB?

Matt> We still believe there is no real way to find talent / creative partners in this industry. If you wanted to find a great colourist for a project, where can you go? It's the same with editors, strategists, copywriters... There are many small local sites where you can see directors and creatives, etc., but nothing global that covers all areas of creativity - and we think that's what is needed now. We have done this already with LBB and companies, so we know how it works…

Hannah> Pro has created a new level on our platform where you can find the talent you want to work with globally. Our Pro Users are the first to pop up when searching our People section. The ones who have been the most interactive with their profile will rise to the top of this search on a continuous loop, and with the extra use of our filter functions, companies can easily see who’s been involved in what work most recently, and subsequently view that creative’s entire portfolio at the click of a button. With simple, clear details and information laid out at the top of each profile - and all work with their credits underneath - it’s the perfect place for people to further fish in a global pool of talent, and find new opportunities for users and companies alike.

LBB> Can you think of any specific examples of how professionals in different kinds of creative business, such as agencies, production companies and VFX houses, can make use of Pro membership to the max?

Matt> To me, the obvious is that it's one place to store, be credited (automatically) and seen by the whole world. We're pretty convinced that there are probably over a million sites for singular creative people in this world of ours that are impossible to find and see. If a creative has just one place to put stuff, they can then amplify what they are doing through all the world's social channels directly from LBB. In other words, they have just one site to worry about. That for many will be a dream, we're sure!

Hannah> In terms of functionality, LBB automatically transcodes all video files and generates an embed link that people can use on any other website, pitch deck, blog or directory. It's not branded at all, so it would look exactly the same as if you embedded a Vimeo / YouTube / Wiredrive file. This omits the need to maintain other sites alongside, saving a ton of money in comparison.

You can read more about how it works here, sign up for Pro directly, or contact our head of Pro User accounts for more info: Hannah Baines -

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