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Quantic Dream Once Again Calls Upon Biborg to Create a New Extension on Twitch

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Bottle of Hope was developed on Twitch for the game Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut published by Quantic Dream and Biborg

Biborg, the creative agency dedicated to Gaming and Entertainment, is once again helping Quantic Dream create a new extension, exclusively for Twitch. Bottle of Hope was developed to support the launch of Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut, available only on Nintendo Switch starting today. This free extension allows streamers to offer, via the chat, benevolent topics of discussion to their community while streaming a game of Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut.

The five themes of the extension allow viewers to talk about personal topics, inspired by the adventure of Kay, the game protagonist. Kay has to confront her fears and must find solutions to overcome them. These subjects go well beyond the game itself, as they cover intimate and positive topics, such as self-acceptation, resilience, attention, motivation and empathy. This is a space of exchange for the viewers to also discuss topics "not related to games".

The idea behind Bottle of Hope is simple: all five discussions themes contain dozens of "bottles of hope". These secret messages are randomly sent during ta stream, each time the Bottle of Hope app gauge is filled. The more good vibes are shared by the community in the chat, the more the gauge fills up and therefore the more chances to find "bottles of hope"!

"Nowadays, the need to share and exchange is more present than ever. Bottle of Hope was developed to reinforce discussions between viewers and streamers in a benevolent frame, revolving around strong and engaging themes. Inspired by Quantic Dream, we imagined this activation as a bubble of discussion that comes on top of the usual chat during a stream, giving the opportunity to discuss topics not directly related to the game itself", explains Marie Trocmé, senior strategist at Biborg.

Bottle of Hope was created in collaboration with North-American association Take This, specialised in support and education related to mental health issues in video games.

“We were delighted to be invited to take part in this innovative project", said Eve Crevoshay, executive director of Take This. “Opportunities like this, which allow us to give the game community support and affirmation while also enjoying the best of what games have to offer, are just fantastic. Quantic Dream gave us so much flexibility to make sure the extension provided accurate, appropriate messages that will be a benefit to the Sea of Solitude community, for which we are very grateful.” 

Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut launch will also be supported by a media campaign on social medias and Nintendo eShop. The campaign will start on March 13 2021 in France, Germany and the UK.

Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut is a wonderful and unsetting world where things are not what they seem, to confront and overcome your fears. Kay, our female protagonist, knows monsters well. The same monsters you may live with yourself: isolation, depression, abandonment. They manifest as scary beasts or fantastic creatures in the award-winning adventure and action game Sea of Solitude, now reinvented for Nintendo Switch™ under the name Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut.

Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut enjoys a rewritten story, a new cast of voice talents, and also revamped cinematics and animations for the most comprehensive game experience.