Every small business needs a little help, and that assistance is right around the corner. Actually, help is on the roof, in your garage, your salon, and anywhere else you do business. A new series of spots helmed by Jordan Brady of Superlounge introduces us to Thryv, the only all-in-one management software built for small business. Through a synthesis of comic timing and character animation, the spots - created via Publicis Hawkeye - prove there’s nothing small about what Thryv can do. Whether you’re a roofer, a mechanic, a dentist, a salon owner, or barista, the efficiency of this software calls for a “High Thryv.”
“Working with an extroverted spokes-creature was on my bucket list,” said Brady, referring to the animated Thryv mascot who gets the job done for every small business. “I'm grateful to Publicis Hawkeye, and especially to Gary Hawthorne, for making that come true.”
The project’s effectiveness relies on seamless integration between the Thryv mascot and his live action costars. While the actors acknowledge the uniqueness of the moment, the audience must suspend disbelief enough to be engaged by the interaction. “Kirk Kelley and the House Special team are the green berets of 3d characters,” Brady said. “I’m so grateful to have worked with them on this.”