Music & Sound in association withJungle Studios

The Commercial Power of Sound and Music

London, UK
LBB’s Casey Martin spoke to some of Australia’s leading sound and music companies to understand the power of an audio experience in advertising
Two repeated notes created one of the scariest movie villains of all time in Jaws. 

We all know that music can set the mood. A full energy house party blasting early 2000s hits feels a lot different than an intimate pasta dinner surrounded by jazz. 

Music can be romantic, eerie, exciting, sad, melancholy, happy, jazzy, magical… you name the emotion and there is a piece of music out there that will make you feel it.  There’s a whole field of neuroscience devoted to how we process music, the effects it wields on our hormones and in our brains and bodies.

That’s a powerful tool, and one that the smartest advertisers embrace, If music and sound can help foster connections with a brand, it can make people feel good about your business, why wouldn’t you make the most of it.

LBB’s Casey Martin posed the question to Heckler sound, Mosaic Music and Sound, Rumble and Squeak E Clean Studios in order to understand this phenomenon.  

Kate Stenhouse, executive producer, Electric Sheep Music

Music and sound play such an incredibly important role in any piece of work, providing the intellectual and emotional cues which guide the viewer as they engage with, and interpret a piece of work.  Given the chance to hold an equal position in an edit, music can convey everything in an instant, or tease and lead you through a story arc with twists, turns, and reveals, all keenly felt not just in your head, but in your heart.  

Music and sound as a tool together have such a powerful effect.  They create context; complement and amplify what we see on screen, deftly intertwining to truly captivate and immerse the viewer.  With that captivated attention brands are able to cut through and create emotional connections and memorability with their customers.  Whether it be through an intoxicating combination of vision and audio that resonates with you personally, or a catchy melody that just won't leave your head, the power of music and sound to create lasting connections to a campaign or brand without the "sell" feeling too overt or intrusive is truly phenomenal. 

Johnny Green, partner and creative director Heckler Sound 

Music and sound create an immediate emotional response. Whether it’s the delivery or tonality of the voiceover complimenting the script, the introduction of a melody or diegetic effect, or an environment to place you in, music and sound emotionally connects with recognition and recall in a memorable way. This is a powerful element; especially at a time when a lot of us are distracted with mobile devices while viewing our shows. Hearing a melody or a sonic will point the viewer towards the brand or product without necessarily having to look up. Ultimately, the right sound and music choices in commercials can enhance brand perception, create emotional connections and influence consumer behaviour -- thereby impacting the commercial buying power of a brand or product.  

Michael Gie, partner and executive producer, Rumble 

Audio is the secret sauce of emotional connection. A considered approach to music and sound is an opportunity for brands to develop a deeper connection with their audience. But it’s more than just slapping on a banger and a couple of SFX, it has to be authentic. Sound, but especially music, carries a powerful expression of a brand's personality. It’s part of the customer experience that shapes how the world views them; who they are and what they stand for. Anyone who has spent time laying up music options will understand how much the tone of music and sound shifts your perspective on the narrative. That’s why having a clear purpose for the music is just as important as the music itself. You need to put it to work, or you run the risk of wallpaper sound. By leveraging the power of music and sound to develop a more distinct character, brands can evoke emotions and create memories with their customers. This leads to deeper relationships, building trust and loyalty along the way. 

Dr Bradley Vines, neuroscientist & head of sonic branding, Squeak E Clean Studios

Based on a large and growing body of medical, academic, and industry research, we know that audio is a powerful driver for brand growth and sales. Neuroscience has revealed how emotionally charged experiences are more likely to influence memory and behaviour and that music is a uniquely powerful driver of emotion. Sound has a particularly strong influence on mood which affects decision-making and openness to ideas. This basic research is compelling enough but there is further evidence from industry research that brands should invest in their sonic branding strategy. Studies show that developing a distinctive sonic brand pays dividends by expanding the potential to build associations for the brand as a whole, increasing positive associations with the brand, in particular, and improving the likelihood of purchasing the brand. Aligning the sonic expression of the brand with the brand’s identity increases recall of and the likelihood of purchasing their products, and ultimately drives sales. The choice of sound in advertising significantly influences the perception of a brand’s quality, value, core messages, and attractiveness for purchase and having music in ads, in particular, improves the communication of ideas. All of this evidence converges on the importance of sound and music when it comes to establishing and growing the buying power of a brand or product.

Adam Moses, founder, composer, Mosaic Music and Sound

In a crowded advertising space where every second counts, incorporating a premium sound strategy can significantly enhance the consumer experience and foster an emotional engagement. 

When you are watching a commercial, you have 30 seconds to take in a brand's product from a visual perspective, but you also have a 30 second sonic experience as well. 

This dual sensory input can bolster or detract from a brand's message, depending on how sound and music are utilised. 

The right choice of music, sound effects, and composition has the power to evoke specific emotions, reinforce brand identity, and create lasting impressions that resonate with consumers long after the ad has ended. 

If two brands are selling the same product, the one that 'feels' more expensive or premium often achieves this distinction simply by employing considered and bespoke sound design and composition in its marketing mix.

Music / Sound
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