Behind the Work in association withThe Immortal Awards

Travis Kelce and Livvy Dunne Demonstrate How to ‘Upgrade Your Energy’

London, UK
LBB speaks to the team behind the new Accelerator Active Energy social media campaign to learn more about working with two world-class athletes
Striking the right balance between celebrity influence and authentic brand messaging is no small feat. For Accelerator Active Energy’s latest social media campaign, the marketing team hit the sweet spot by enlisting two of the most recognisable figures in sports and social media: Travis Kelce and Livvy Dunne. Radiating positive vibes and an on-screen chemistry every bit as energising as the beverage they were promoting, the resulting social media campaign is proving to be equal parts fun, relatable, and on-brand.

LBB catches up with David Kennedy, the director behind the campaign, and Accelerator’s VP of marketing, Zach Schotz, and VP of partnerships, Kerry Leslie, to find out about the creative process, the challenges of working with globally recognised athletes, and using humour and authenticity to capture the brand essence. From securing powerhouse partnerships to ensuring the campaign resonates with a diverse, active audience, the team shares how they’ve leveraged star power and real product benefits to bring the ‘Upgrade Your Energy’ campaign to life.

LBB> These spots combine humour, surprise, and product messaging in a fun and highly engaging way. David, can you tell us about the creative vision for the project? How did you want audiences to feel after watching it?

David Kennedy> We wanted people to really understand the benefits of Accelerator and show how world-class athletes use it. But we also wanted people to know it is an accessible drink that can benefit almost anyone in need of a clean energy pick-me-up. The key was keeping the spots focused on fun and the chemistry of our stars, which I think we did well. 

Working with the Accelerator team was fun – they were open, engaged and really knew how to collaborate with Travis and Livvy to tell the story they wanted. We were focused on highlighting all the great benefits of Accelerator, while also showcasing that many other energy drinks include ingredients health-conscious consumers avoid.

LBB> This campaign leans heavily on celebrity influence with Travis Kelce and Livvy Dunne. Kerry, can you walk us through the process of securing them as partners, and what made them ideal fits for Accelerator Active Energy?

Kerry Leslie>Travis and Livvy are fantastic partners to work with and we are fortunate they are part of the Accelerator team and genuinely love our product. They are so much more than just a football player and a collegiate gymnast. We look for partners who embody our brand and drink Accelerator because it helps them maximise each day of their crazy busy lives. They both have a million things going on and we are proud knowing they drink Accelerator to keep their energy up for when they need it most.

LBB> And how did you ensure their performances remained natural, while also pushing the energy and excitement of the brand to the forefront?

David> Both Travis and Livvy are great, kind, human beings. Before anything else, that matters a ton to create something that feels natural. The energy and enthusiasm they had for the product was clear to see. They lit up the screen and their personalities, combined with their genuine love for Accelerator, made it easy to ensure the message remained authentic, while still allowing it to have the fun vibe we wanted to bring to life for the fans.

LBB> Zach, what were the core objectives for this campaign, from a marketing standpoint? And how did you ensure that the spot effectively communicated Accelerator Active Energy’s unique selling points?

Zach Schotz> It’s rare to get two great talents together like Travis and Livvy, so we needed to make the most of it. The top priority was to create content to help educate consumers on why they should energize with Accelerator. We know we have a better product proposition than our competitors, and we believe we taste better too. That’s exactly what we’re communicating in our ‘Upgrade Your Energy’ campaign. Additionally, Travis and Livvy have such great personalities we wanted to create viral content around Accelerator. We’ve been excited to see the results so far.

LBB> Both stars are such recognisable figures in the sports and influencer worlds. How did you go about selecting them as brand ambassadors, and what role do they play in reinforcing Accelerator's brand values?

Zach> We’ve been working with Travis since 2022 and it’s been one awesome ride. He lives and breathes the brand, he literally drinks multiple cans of Accelerator a day. He’s everything as advertised – positive energy with a dynamic personality and finds a way to relate to everyone. Livvy has been the face of NIL and the pinnacle for any athlete creator. She also has such a fun personality and is a natural when it comes to content. We’re beyond lucky to work with such great partners.   

LBB> The spots have a playful, humourous tone thanks to Travis and Livvy’s interactions. How did you balance the fun and lighthearted elements with the need to maintain brand credibility and authenticity in the energy drink category?

Zach> We encouraged both to take our outline and improvise as necessary to ensure an authentic message. They made it super easy for us, as they are both entertainers. They’re naturally funny, have great chemistry together and they truly love and believe in the product.

LBB> Looking back at the production process, were there any specific challenges you faced in terms of creative execution or on-set moments that required quick thinking or adaptation to keep things on track?

David> We worked fast and furious on this shoot. When you work with A-level celebs you don’t get endless time, so we were efficient and, quite honestly, the talent really delivered. They were even better than I hoped going into it. It was a huge benefit having two energetic and personable stars and it led to a lot of improv during the process. Having seen Travis on SNL before, I knew he had comedic chops, and it was really fun to just let him loose at times. 

We had a guiding script and game plan going in, but it was awesome watching their personalities shine as we embraced audibles along the way while achieving our goals to create great content for Accelerator and showcase two fantastic brand partners and the product benefits.

LBB> How do you see the success of this campaign influencing Accelerator's broader marketing strategy and approach to future brand collaborations or content creation?

Zach> We just launched our ‘Upgrade Your Energy’ campaign – literally this is the first week! We have many more partner collaborations planned to get this message out to existing and new energy drink consumers. With our proven energy blend formula and great taste, we will go even bigger and build off this momentum. 

LBB> Kerry, as partnerships continue to play an essential role in brand growth, where do you see Accelerator expanding its influencer or athlete partnerships in the future? Are there any emerging trends you're excited about in this space?

Kerry> We have worked with amazing partners – past and present – and look forward to expanding our partners in 2025. Accelerator is not just for athletes, it is also for active individuals trying to live their best life. Whether it’s a college student before a yoga workout or an exam, a mom needing an morning or afternoon pick-me-up, or someone who needs that extra focus and energy support to get them through their work day – we are here for you! We look forward to expanding beyond athlete partners and will be looking to get into the lifestyle space a bit more in 2025.

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