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What Citizen Relations’ New Leadership Appointments Mean for the Future of the Agency

Advertising Agency
Toronto, Canada
Managing director Josie Haynes and president of Canada Jenn Dugan on why these new positions reflect Citizen’s past growth and upcoming ambition, and how this will allow the teams to further push the limits of what PR can do, writes LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt
Earlier this month, Citizen Relations Canada made a big splash when it announced some key new appointments within its leadership department. Specifically, Jenn Dugan, president of Canada, would be expanding her outreach, taking over the Quebec market as part of her role and overseeing leadership from coast to coast. Meanwhile, Josie Haynes – who began her journey with the agency 17 years ago as an intern – would be moving up to managing director of Toronto, having previously been senior vice president.

So, what exactly does this mean for the PR agency’s future? And what made now the right time to do it? As it turns out, unsurprisingly, there were a whole host of factors involved. To start, Citizen has been on a hot streak in Canada, securing exciting clients, winning awards, and putting out work that pushes the boundaries of what PR can do. So, it naturally made sense to elevate these long-serving leaders who had played such a pivotal role in said growth. But, equally so, there was a recognition that people are the agency’s most valuable asset, and that by bolstering the senior leadership team, it would further provide a consistent supply of unwavering support, empathy, and opportunities to grow.

There’s more to it than that, of course, which is exactly why LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt sat down with Jenn and Josie for a chat, seeking to learn about how the early days have been, and how the pair are seeking to elevate Citizen to even higher heights in the imminent future.

LBB> Josie, Jenn, congratulations both on your new positions! What do these appointments represent to you, and the agency?

Jenn> These appointments represent and celebrate Citizen’s growth and ambition over the past few years. They also point to our emphasis on integration and unity, both across borders and across disciplines, all in the service of our team and clients. With Josie stepping in to oversee the Toronto office and support integration locally, that allows me to take a more holistic view for Canada.

LBB> Although it’s early days, what are your main aims and ambitions, both for your respective positions, but also Citizen Relations as a whole?

Josie> Given my tenure at Citizen, my overarching ambition is to continue to make it a place where our people can see themselves for years to come. By ensuring our ‘Citizens’ are given the right growth opportunities, the ability to work with exciting, collaborative clients, and the unwavering support of the senior leadership team, we will continue to retain and attract amazing talent. Our people are our most valuable asset and we must continue to invest in them.

LBB> And how will you be working together to help further that?

Jenn> Josie and I have very similar ambitions when it comes to the future of Citizen Canada, and our incredible national team that is imperative to our success. In her role, Josie will be able to focus her efforts on the development of our team, culture and business in Toronto, while I’ll be able to take a step back and think more broadly about Canada as a whole and how we continue to be a place where people are proud and excited to work, and where clients choose to bring their business.

LBB> Josie, notably, you started 17 years ago as an intern, and have now really worked your way to the top. Did you ever expect to end up here? And how have things changed at Citizen during that time period?

Josie> In today’s workplace, it’s rare to be with one employer, especially one agency, for 17 years. But Citizen has evolved so much over that time that it’s never felt like the same agency for very long; there was always something new and exciting that I wanted to stay and experience. 

When I joined Citizen, we were a team of five PR practitioners in Toronto with a handful of clients. Today, there are 80 people in Toronto (100-plus across Canada) spanning PR, XM, strategy, creative, digital, and insights and intelligence, working with 75 clients on impactful and often award-worthy campaigns. We’ve grown and evolved our offering ahead of the industry curve each time, allowing us to produce the best work for our clients and attract the best talent in the country.

LBB> Building on that, how has the jump from SVP to managing director been? Has your day-to-day shifted in a noticeable way? And how have your past experiences prepared you for this role?

Josie> As managing director, there has certainly been a shift in the amount of time spent on the operational elements of the business. However, being at Citizen for 17 years has given me an abundance of knowledge about how the agency operates, the team, and our client needs. Coupled with Jenn’s support, this has made the transition much easier.  

One thing I requested to remain the same in this role was my involvement and leadership on client business. This was for two reasons: first, the work fuels and excites me, so I didn’t want to lose that aspect of the job. But second, I didn’t want to lose touch with the day-to-day realities of the team or our clients. I believe that being in the thick will improve my ability to make the right decisions as managing director.

LBB> Similarly, Jenn, you’ve now expanded your leadership to include the Quebec market. What does this shift mean for the way you work? And how are you making sure you’re able to give each Canadian sector love and attention?

Jenn> While it hadn’t been in a formal way under my previous title, I have always worked closely with the Quebec market during my time at Citizen in various capacities. Because of our ongoing relationship, the shift won’t be too drastic, but it will allow me to work with the team there in a closer capacity. We’ve also established more opportunities to connect all of the regions together more frequently. I also plan to spend more in-person time with the team. 

To this end, our team in Quebec has been extremely supportive of my new role and I’ve been working closely with them to get a better understanding of the business and team. Their knowledge and expertise within the market has always put us in a position of strength. At the same time, I’ve been sharing best practices from our Toronto and Vancouver offices that they have been keen to adopt, again, all in establishing one truly united national team.

LBB> How would you describe your respective leadership styles, and what do you think you bring to the table in your new roles?

Josie> I’ve had the pleasure of working with many inspiring leaders, and experiencing their unique leadership styles has helped shape my own. I would describe my style as compassionate, motivational and honest. I also work hard to ensure my teams feel supported by being easily accessible, and never hesitate to be in the thick of it when needed. 
Jenn> I always want my colleagues and employees to feel they can bring their full selves to work. I often lead with optimism, empathy, and humour, as I believe building a foundation of trust and fun in the workplace makes for a welcoming environment where ideas and people can thrive. 

LBB> Both of you are coming into these positions at a time of noticeable and significant growth and recognition. To what do you attribute this success, and how do you intend to continue this trend?

Josie> I would attribute our growth and success to two main things: our talented people and their commitment to bringing the right people from the right disciplines to the table to deliver the best work possible. Work that goes beyond what many may consider traditional PR, but that we at Citizen know to be a more modern, forward-thinking approach to the craft.

LBB> With that in mind, where do you think Citizen Relations’ place is within the Canadian market at the moment? And what are your opinions on the state of Canadian advertising in general?

Jenn> Citizen continues to show up as a leader in the Canadian market. Off the back of being named Strategy PR AOY Gold in 2023 and another great award season in 2024, we’ve had some incredibly proud moments not only in Canada, but globally. Our team is very dialled into the work, delivering significant impact for our clients and always up for the challenge of pushing creative with an earned-first lens. We take pride in our integrated team and the undeniable benefit of our collaborative approach for our clients of all industries and sizes. 

To answer the second question, the state of the industry continues to evolve. We are seeing the adoption of new technologies, shifting consumer behaviours and attitudes, and increasing demands for transparency, authenticity, and ethics. The biggest and perhaps most impactful evolution in the industry since the introduction of email is the integration of AI into our work and the continued availability of new tools and resources powered by AI. Not just in Canada but around the world – the way this technology will continue to shift our industry is something we will continue to lean into. 

LBB> Finally, is there anything you’d like to say about what’s next for Citizen, or what your fellow Citizen employees can look forward to going forward?

Josie & Jenn> Citizen is committed to continuing to leverage new technology and data to deliver better PR. We’ve already developed some amazing AI tools that empower our teams to create more strategic, faster, and impactful programs. Additionally, we've created innovative mashups by integrating PR approaches with other capabilities. A prime example is Citizen’s ‘Performfluence’, which blends performance marketing – such as search and affiliate strategies – with influencer marketing. The result is durable content that performs four to five times better than traditional influencer marketing. 

Inside our doors, we’re doubling down on internal investment, focusing on professional development, and training to foster a culture of continuous learning, growth, and industry-leading retention. 

Finally, we are continuing to grow and expand – we recently opened operations in Germany, where we’ve already established a strong presence. We are always considering new opportunities to enhance our capabilities, expand our industry expertise, and explore additional markets.

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