With this film Samsung makes us see how technology can seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, not merely as a tool, but as part of our human experience.
This particular Hamlet ispopulated with creative craftspeople, forging memorable stories and powerfulcontent for new and old media, experimenting with form, structure andcutting-edge technology.
Our ambition is to createthought provoking films, rooted in society and born out of an attempt toexplore human emotions. We look out for work that stays with you, truebeauty and smart entertainment.
Created in 2015 by RubenGoots and Jason Felstead Hamletoperates out of Brussels and Berlin.
With Hamlet, we’veconceived an open structure, a place where talent finds a home: the eager, thebrave, the poetic, the proud and the curious. Welcome to our Hamlet.
Raw emotions, beautifullycrafted.