After Emma, the protagonist of the film ’The Peach,' Esselunga returns to television with the story of Carlo and Marta and their friendship that endures over time, thanks to a red thread represented by a walnut. The second instalment of Esselunga's narrative once again highlights the emotions of people with their everyday life stories.
The story revolves around the gift exchanged by the two children, a gift that, 15 years later, becomes an unexpected Christmas surprise. The tagline ‘Your groceries are never just groceries’, is the message around which the narrative is built.
"With the second instalment of our story,” explains Roberto Selva, director of marketing and communication at Esselunga, “we wanted to portray a tale of friendship that withstands the passage of time and distance. We did this through a walnut, a symbolic fruit that aptly represents the concept of care.”
Esselunga focuses on the stories of people and customers who enter its stores every day, giving a deeper meaning to an ordinary daily gesture, such as grocery shopping.
The campaign was created by the New York-based creative agency SMALL, and the film 'The Walnut', was directed by the same director as the film ’The Peach,' the Frenchman Rudi Rosenberg, and produced by Indiana Production.