Earlier in January, German tech and engineering firm Bosch revealed that it would be making its first Big Game ad appearance, with the help of creative agency Droga5. The brand promised a US advertising first, bringing together its home appliances and power tools in a spot starring legendary actor Antonio Banderas and a tribute to wrestling '80s wrestling icon, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.
Dropping today, a teaser features Antonio and 'Macho Man' discussing their upcoming role in Bosch’s Super Bowl spot. The muscle-bound grappler - in spite of his superhuman strength - is seen struggling with a pickle jar, only for Antonio to save the day by prying open the lid.
“2025 is going to be a huge year for Bosch, starting with the company making its first Big Game ad debut in its 100+ year history," said Boris Dolkhani, Bosch CMO. "This bold move will give consumers a taste of what they can expect to see from Bosch in the year ahead. Stay tuned for more from us as the game gets closer."
Bosch’s 30-second Big Game ad will air during the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl on February 9th. And digital activations across all Bosch channels will accompany the nationally broadcast spot as well.