33M German people don’t care about complementary health insurance because they believe that, in case of need, the full cost of their medical treatments will be covered by the state.
But it isn’t.
To show German people that they need a complementary health insurance if anything bad happen in their everyday life, we added the full cost of a potential medical treatment to the price of everyday items. Creating then the most expensive everyday items ever with the simple message that, without any complementary health insurance, even minor mishaps can become major expenses.
This campaign was built in a holistic approach:
First, a broad audience targeted with an awareness objective on TV, digital platforms, banners, print ads and indoor print in AXA agencies.
Secondly, we’ve created clusters of internet users per interest to push our message closer to their pastime. Our items have been tailored to better catch their attention and lead them to our specific landing pages. On axa.de they could check the financial benefit of having an AXA complementary health insurance.
Then we took our concept further and inserted our overpriced items into the daily lives of Germans, by distributing overpriced chocolates bars in supermarket.
Finally, the sales force also has relayed the campaign with their own comments on Facebook, playing with hot topics.
Reach: 70 million media impressions, 5+ million Youtube views.
Traffic +32% on the AXA Product webpage dedicated to the clinical treatment offer.
Traffic +36% on the AXA Product webpage dedicated to the ambulant offer.
AXA entered Top 3 of mind of insurance category.
Achievement against business target:
Awareness: +148% against target.