HERO. teamed up with A level media students
at Felpham Community College to create a fun
promo for their school that launches on YouTube this week, view and share from here.
The promotional video is directed, filmed and edited by HERO.'s Mat Sunderland.
Williams of Felt Music landed licence
approval from Earth, Wind & Fire for the iconic music track that fits so
well with the positive attitude of the school and the shared hopes
and dreams for newcomers starting in September.
“The school
was just amazing, everyone got on board and the kids were all so talented and
well behaved. We had such fun on set,” commented Helena Bullivant, Producer (aka @herohelena) who also wrote the promo.
Headteacher Mark Anstiss put his neck on the line by not only taking the
initiative to invest in the production and music licence, but also starring in the
leading role. Mark said: “The kids love it, so the goal is to get the video to
go viral, raise the profile of the school and become over subscribed. I firmly
believe that HERO. have created a video that can achieve all this and we’ll see
a return on our investment.”
HERO. are
rolling out an initiative for schools across the UK to have their own bespoke