Magnum ice cream, the world’s authority on pleasure, creates a unique anime film series to be shown at the 25th edition of the Japanese Film Festival. Pleasure Tales by Magnum is an ongoing anthology of animated short films connected by one common thread: the pursuit of true pleasure.
Magnum created these stories as an ode to unique moments of human pleasure. Developed by a collective of artists, the animated films celebrate the diverse perspectives and experiences of today’s society. The stories hope to act as a reminder that the search for pleasure is uniquely human and just as all humans are different, all pleasure is different.
Magnum partnered with Powerhouse Animation Studios, creators of Castlevania and Seis Manos, to bring to life two stories through anime. Both stories offer unique expressions of the joy of going after what brings you pleasure, no matter who you are or what you take pleasure in
Pleasure Tales by Magnum adds to Magnum’s long history of championing art as in previous collaborations with renowned artists like Brendan Monroe and Thomas Danthony.
The Films
Butterfly tells the tale of an older man grappling with persistent gloom and the monotony of his routine, turning his world turn gray. One day, he makes decision that completely changes his life
Konnichiwa takes place in the not so distant future, where a young woman escapes a bustling city and meets a strange young man. This encounter questions our human need to seek pleasure.
Each of these carefully crafted films contain ‘Easter eggs’ referencing the iconic Magnum silhouette, subtly integrated into each story to remind us how pleasure is there for the taking, you just have to seek it out.
Pleasure Tales by Magnum will be featured during the Japanese Film Festival which will run throughout Australia this summer from 6th February - 3rd March.