The foundation K.I.D.S. is transforming Polish children’s hospitals into modern ones. But to do so, it needs the best technology experts in Poland as volunteers. How do we reach them and convince them to help implement the latest technologies at children's hospitals? And one more thing: they need to do it for free.
In this campaign, the children took matters into their own hands. Children who have experience with Polish hospitals, helped recruit the greatest experts on LinkedIn, becoming the youngest headhunters in the world.
A total of 12 personalized videos were developed and sent to tech and innovation experts via LinkedIn. Not only did they volunteer, they alsodd shared the videos, which in turn generated lots of buzz. LinkedIn fell in love with the youngest recruiters.
- The campaign resulted in the recruitment of 103 experts (way above the original requirement) and dedicated 4,690 hours (with the equivalent of 601 282$) to the project.
- Amongst the volunteers were companies including Nationale-Nederlanden, BNP Paribas and Reckitt.
- The foundation became well known among technology experts on LinkedIn.